Tuesday, April 24, 2012

For my self-selected project, I combined forces with Brittany to read two high interest texts in my content area. As Social Studies majors, we had a large pool of texts to choose from. Given our mutual interest in the Civil War, our final decision, thanks to Brittany's suggestion, fell on two novels from the same author. James L. Swanson, an award winning author and historian, has produces two texts for young readers. The first novel, Chasing Lincoln's Killer, followed the man, events and conspirators behind one of U.S history's most famed Presidential assassinations. The second novel, Bloody Times, continues the narrative from Lincoln's assassination to his funeral all the while chronicling the flight of Confederate President Jefferson Davis. Both books presented wonderful narratives supported heavily by primary source documents.
Swanson's amazing use of primary source documents added validity to his interpretations. As a Social Studies teacher I would not hesitate to incorporate these novels into my curriculum. As a supporter of primary source document use in the classroom, I feel these texts are in line with my own teaching philosophy. Swanson was very successful in presenting, and explaining, his material, all the while providing the reader with an enjoyable narrative. Both books struck me as enjoyable, readable and accurate.